Anyone want to become friends?
Will I ever find love again?
Is having the last word even worth it?
Not sure if my boyfriend and I are compatible
What's a shitty thing your ex did to you during your relationship?
I’m going solo-travelling for 3 weeks in a far away country and got dumped last night
What's a decision your parent(s) made for you when growing up that you didn't quite like at the time but now looking back has helped you tremendously?
even after all the betrayal i would still do anything for you
What TV show got you through your breakup?
Looking for some people to play Fortnite and Apex with
finally told the other BS
Wife and I really want to try public car sex
Advice on recent breakup from codependent relationship
Just caught myself giving unsolicited advice
My ex slept with other guys while on a break
If you could change one thing about your body/appearance, what would it be?
What are some hobbies I can try to meet other women?
(Serious) What do you miss most about your ex?
I’m back - Please don’t try to read my body language lol I’m just fidgety
Am I unreasonable for porn boundary?
My Doxie has a bald patch on his chest is that normal?
7 year relationship ended. I'm broken to my very core
Does anyone else still live with their parents?
I think me (26M) and my girlfriend (24F) will be breaking up tonight
When you least expect it, they come back.