I don't get it, why do people look down on us and this franchise?
I dont GET IT
How cooked are we if these two teamed up against us?
Do you think there's a chance for other "solo" monsterverse movies starring other Kaijus? If so, who?
Is huggy wuggy actually back?
Guys….I can FIX him
How much time has passed in the game's story since the first chapter? Just a few hours? Everything we've seen in Poppy Playtime so far has been just one night? Is this Batman Arkham?
Are we gonna have ANY allies in chapter 5?
After doeys death, How much do you want the prototype to die
Theories about Chapter 5
What’s missing to make it YOUR perfect room? 👀
So do we really not know which kid Huggy is?
face of miss dleight
How do you think poppy playtime will end? My guess is probably the player escapes the factory but is super injured and calls 911 and dies
So Was Miss Delight A Toy Line Or Was She Just Only A Mascot For The School?
There are approximately 1 million words in the English dictionary. Yet I can’t string enough words in a sentence to describe how badly I miss old Cougar after seeing this
If Mommy wasn’t hostile, would she be part of the Safe Haven?
Did The Prototype really patch up Huggy with duct tape?
The hiker from Woodbury getaway was chosen for day 6! Who's a character who's great, but fans don't like.
What's your opinion on Godzilla?
I don’t think that Playmates is giving us a Scylla figure in their GxK line at this point…
Who will be the next?
What did you do for catnap to be this mad
What Are Your Thoughts On The Hour Of Joy?