Some Brawlers are very underestimated until they get a Hypercharge
This Guy Got 70k In 1 Year
Do you ever ban brawlers so your teammates don’t pick them?
Was double thrower a good idea? Had last pick
Lost all my extra ranks
Losing elo for dodging, good or bad change?
Is this enough to max out Finx when he is released? 11888 coins
How much HP brawler need to have for you to decide to give them health gear over shieldgear?
Spielt sie jmd dominant ?
Are these brawlers enough to get me to Legendary?
Ranked flair varification post
What’s the rarest skin you own?
What did you buy from the Pizza Shop?
Does anyone have some Cordelius tips for 3v3 gamemodes?
Has anyone gotten a Hypercharge in this event?
The Unofficial Bottom 15: All of these brawlers had 0 picks and bans all throughout the WFs
what could AshBS go instead of darryl?
Ollie stats from brawl talk
Thoughts on Ollie?
What is a hyper charge you thought that was going to be garbage but it’s not that bad?
I am not complaining, but why does RT get multiple buffs when he is consistently A-Tier during the meta
Drop y’all’s favorite unreleased and I’ll rate it 1-10
How would you make the MK skillful?
Problem with my game (92%)