How can I tell if a paralegal is 3rd party?
what do you all interpret the pay to be?
That time Robocop shot this dude in the balls.
Why is my chat gpt doing this??
Made think of Linus 😅
The narcissist in chief.
My mom’s candle
When I'm alone and angry I call myself and objects around me the r slur
Facebook Marketplace strikes yet again!
Ah so this is the timeline we're in
Bro what? ;/
My supervisor bought these from a trip to Ipoh, Malaysia, saying that these sands have a natural glowing effect.
What do we think about that?
Want to feel old? Amber Scott, from ‘Hook’, is now the same age Robin Williams was when he played Peter Pan in the same film
Netflix is now restricting some shows if you have an plan that has advertisements
Asked ChatGPT (4o mini) to choose a generation it most identifies with then generate an image of itself as that generation. It's us. It chose us and looks like us.
Tech Tip: portable USB-C monitors are great for confirming that your desktop works before sealing it up
I used to rule the night. "Rallying" meant finding a second wind at 2am. Now it means finding motivation to put on pajamas at 8:30.
Mind blowing revelation
Me Too
The oldest known wooden structure is 476,000 years old, found in Zambia, it suggests early humans built much earlier than thought.
Found Pinned to a Tree on a W alking Trail
I call it: ice breaker 5000
What ChatGPT believes I look like based on our previous chats
Canadians heading to Practice...