maybe there weren't other options but I didn't really want to see Sansa as the queen of the north :|
(Spoilers MAIN) Rhaegar's marriage "annulment" makes no sense
(LOTM general) What do I do?
Why has many countries stopped Practising
Who would you rather have your back in battle Barristan Selmy or harrold westerling
If you could choose anywhere in The World of Ice & Fire to live, where would it be? 🧊🔥
The Budget for 'A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms' Was Less Than $10M Per Episode; HBO: "The battle sequences that the directors achieved match those across 'Game of Thrones' and are a fraction of the price"
House of the Dragon season 3 details! Mystery returning character from season 1
If You could choose from all the characters in the series, who would be the best candidate for the iron throne and who would be the worst?
Say something negative about the first 4 seasons of the show.
(Spoilers extended) What would realistically happen after the conclusion of season 8?
What’s a line from the show that you almost always quote?
When does the show start to drop in quality for you personally?
You can choose one non-POV character from the books, and get one - just one - chapter from their point-of-view. Whose POV do you want, and when?
who are the best pov chapters in your opinion?
(Spoilers Main) What or Who is Patchface?
(Spoilers Extended) What would Westeros be like if the Houses had revised Words that truly expressed their actual character and behavior?
What would Tywin do?
First Time Watchung
What did you think when you watched this scene for first time?
( Spoilers Main) ASOIAF and GOT Adaptation Issues
Lannister vs Dothraki Season 7
I know I’m late but why didn’t Tyrion choose Jon to be king?
[Spoilers MAIN] GOT isn't the reason GRRM doesn't want to/can't finish ASOIAF, another series is.
Who do you think was Robb's favorite in the family?