Quick Question
What’s the most fucked up thing someone has confessed to you in confidence?
What’s the most fucked up thing someone has confessed to you in confidence and are you still friends with them?
What celebrity have you lost all respect for and why?
What does the richest/most successful person you know do?
What’s the creepiest confession a friend/family member/stranger has ever said to you?
What’s your opinion on Trump?
You have £1mil and have to start a business, what business do you start?
You win £5million, what’s the first thing you are doing?
If you were Elon musk, and had his money, what would you do differently than what he is currently doing?
So, who is creative in this group?
What is your opinion on Elon Musk?
Those which have watched the news, what is this 3.4million people over 200 years old about? Vampires?
You have 1 hr to hide a USB and a SD card from the police, where in your house (in the building) do you hide it?
Have you ever shit yourself as an adult, if so what is your story?
What’s a secret which if came out, it would destroy everything?
What’s the craziest coincidence you’ve ever experienced?
What’s a habit you have that you think most people would find strange?
What’s the most bizarre thing you’ve witnessed that you still can’t explain?