Chapter 72: Is this sneak peak?
No cap! The Kamunabi traitor is .?.?.?
Place our bets on who's going to be final villain
Confirmed: Toto is...
Wouldn't it be funny if Iori's aunt was Chihiro's mother.
Canon, Non Canon, who cares?
Someone please explain me the concept of deadlock.
Do you guys agree with Em on this? I do actually, I think Kendrick is on the same tier as Eminem, Kendrick, Nas, and Jay-Z.
Chapter 70 - Leaks & Raws Megathread
Okay guys. I am about to cook.
Here is exactly how things are about to play out.
Day 5, Whats E
Guys! Anybody else notice this?
Guys am i wrong for this?
Chapter 1: Mission (prologue)
What's everyone favorite panel
Is there a lore reason for Yuji using MBA vs Mahito?
This man is a certified 5 star chef! A+++
Just realized the dude's entire plan is to solo the verse
Does Enten suck?
Masumi Lady by @kayowacool007
Since the enchanted blades seem to represent what kunishige "thinks" about something, how does it make sense for the other blades ? Did he fantasize about the clouds, own a crow, have a flower garden, or frequent a night house?
Why can’t Yuta just heal Inumaki
Do you think the powers of the kumeyuri would be related to some form of service that the geisha provide ? Or just good old spirits and curses ?
Hey, so uh, Hiruhiko used a butterfly once