Comp is such a fantastic way to spend my free time
TWID 03/27/25 - Just the PvP Things
i quit playing about 8 months ago because of the teleporting melee and I got this after few games in
[D2] Trials of Osiris Megathread [2025-03-21]
How do we feel about Hunters, especially in Supremacy?
Supremacy: working as intended ?
What kd is considered “good” for trials and crucible as a whole?
Guardian games supremacy fun weapons!
Supremacy is the worst
Gameplay Review #2
Supremacy. How are you PvE players holding up?
What's the build to use for Titan now?
PvP Tuning - What's in flight?
Potential new aspects / abilities that Bungie might be cooking (?)
Welcome to the first Guess the K/D!
Ideal range on Exalted Truth with Keep Away?
Look the differents
Is there a single crucible playlist that is actually for players wanting to verse people of their own skill level? I want to get better at pvp but the crucible playlists are actually tedious
Snap skating and zealots may be getting removed/nerfed
helmet targeting mods
Shaders that turn off Fatebringer’s light
Looking for help getting better
PVP-Relevant Notes (TWID 03/06/25)
Current Crucible Meta - Is this what people really want?
Heavy Burst Linears