Where can I buy tickets for LDR’s concert at Wembley on July 3rd/4th?
Hating G3 Catty because of her body isn't okay
The gay was too stunned to speak
What to use to remove staining on doll clothes
In news nobody saw coming, Shibajuku Girls are coming back
Sorry guys…I’m good on Panam and Judy. Team Alex now.
Got my Amped Up Frankie today!
Rant kinda :/
Question about G3 Ghoulia
How do you think until they release a G3 Venus?
DYKTTATUOB style portraits
*just having fun* One of the best things about extending my collection is getting to mix and match everybody's fashions!
Spending my birthday with my dolls 😔🎉
Slowly growing my collection and I'm obsessed!
My first MH doll! Tips for new collectors