Masterblocks… Is it a good idea?
Giving away every thing I own
My giant Pikachu mascot is ready for fur! #IChooseYou
What's everyone's favourite underrated or not used often clothing item?
Your favorite den item/s?
Seeing offers!
Is this a legit shiny or is it hacked?
Glitter Pets Giveaway!
2K+ party items ft/fs :) read comments if no desc!
Who got the better glow up for Z/A?
Seeing offers for glitter egg!
What is blackout spike worth?
drop ur fits for popular fashion show themes below!!
Seeing offers for my list! Pets, party items and more!
Pack for adult fans of AJPW
Colorswapping/trading items and pets! Lf offers!
trading, clown hairs are for offers only as im likely not gonna trade them
Taking offers. The party bowties are rare bowtie dupes btw.
Lf MP wallpaper and floors!
Lf Offers for Darkside ruby tier Griffin
Who should I glitter?
What is this?
Going off pure nostalgia not if the season was actually good what’s your favourite series in the anime? I’ll go first
I need more/better friends. Rant ahead, skip if you don't feel like reading.