(Ps76) H:1,000,000 coal W:Santa to take me off his naughty list (offers)
H: Loon W: oil offers
H: pinpointer x 1 w: berry offers
H: Caps W: forest asylum and super reactor - tomb stone - symptomatic plans
H:tlc and guni w: fcjs
W: fcjs H: glowing masks
[ps4] h:leather coat W:leaders/offers
[ps4] H:crazy man mask W: Screws
H: encl forcefull stock w: leader offers
[ps4] H: buffoon mask W: random nuka colas
H: leaders w: reflective/rejuvenators
H: 50 leaders + 50 ll8 W: best steel and lead offer
H:1k leaders and other bobbles + lvl 45 pink bat W: leather coat or apparel offers
H: 300 sugar rads W: leader offers
H:100 leaders W:offers copper
H: tlc w: 750 leaders or can add grobot for fcjs
H: tlc w: leader ofmr rare apperal offers no masks please
H: Caps W: Coffee, Salt, Pepper, Spices(100 each) Sugar, Regular Nuka Cola, Glowing Blood(50 each)
WTT H: mods/crazy guy/gsb W: EPR Reflex sight/Aligned Auto/Calibrated capacitor
W:Pepper H:Leaders
H: 700 nuka dark w: non glow offers
H: tlc + small add w: fcjs
H: tlc w: offers
H: Leaders W: Fash Masks In Description
H: 3x aligned encl flamer mod w: 20 leaders each