Smoothing crazy grained wood
I made a box for my inks
[WTS] handmade wooden Japanese box for ink or other pen accessories
Hotel Fire in Downtown Huntington Beach, CA
Beautiful green Lamy safari with gold nib? Yes please!
The most Texas thing I’ve ever seen
The most Texas thing I’ve seen
Lotion gradients
Trying my hand at glue bed with a glow mini. Love the way it turned out!
I think I found some good discs the other day
I’ve had a few questions about the process I use to dye some discs so I made a glue masking tutorial! Enjoy!
First dye. Prochem in a lotion bed. The disc is a lime green. Lots of learning to do - like how to get the design centered in the bed. Also, bubbles. But I’m excited to start learning!
Loving Discmania Origin midrange.
Just starting and have a few specific questions
Lava turtle!
First glue bed!
Cutest stencils ever!
Spiral out, keep going...
Amazing footage of an Orca flipping a Seal high up into the air with incredible ease, once again demonstrating what a powerful animal it is.
Another “help me choose” question
This tree on a frisbee golf course
Smokers out there! I’m quitting today. Quit with me
FYI. The infection and symptoms are called the COVID-19 disease. The actual viral particle is named SARS-CoV-2 by International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Yes, you can call it SARS 2
me irl
Thanks, I hate car sun shades