Mein Chef leugnet den Holocaust und gibt extrem rechte Sprüche von sich!
Despite what they individually claim, I don't completely trust the military as a whole to do what's right.
If you can only read ONE book on WWII, which one is it?
"Türkiye doesn’t recognize the illegal annexation of Crimea." - Turkish Foreign Ministry
Need new music to listen to!
Warum lieben Kinder Müllmänner/Müllfrauen und alles was damit zutun hat?
Lewis Hamilton says his Ferrari debut in the Australian GP 'went a lot worse' than he expected
Best Döner in Darmstadt
Pathetic, Hans. What would Opa say?
the Buck Stops Here
How do all kids universally and instinctively know about the game The Floor is Made of Lava?
Coronavirus: Tiefrot als "Geheim" gestempelt - Und wenn das Coronavirus doch aus einem chinesischen Labor stammte?
Wurde Trump 1987 als KGB-Agent ‚Krasnow‘ angeworben?
Global warming is part of the ultra rich’s plan
Donald Trump considers pulling troops out of Germany
Bought my first gun today
This one will rustle a few jimmies I’m sure.
Warum hört Russland nicht auf?
Memorial Drive, Alberta, Canada
How they will nuke The United States.
To older Europeans - has there ever been a time where America was seen as such an untrusted country?
TRUMP is the one that's gonna cause WW3
My grandfather and some German politician
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