What's something you've bought for yourself as an adult that you always wanted when you were a kid?
Does anyone enjoy looking at people showing off their instruments?
Finally Bought My First Schecter
That time Robocop shot this dude in the balls.
Today is the day we lost one of the greats. Randy Rhoads. His time was short but his impact has been everlasting.
43 years ago, we lost Randy Rhoads....a guitar legend and close friend of Ozzy Osbourne
My First
Who’s my favorite guitar player?
What made you finally give up drinking alcohol?
What’s your favorite thing about cruising?
First lightning strike and it sounded like frying bacon outside
Was in GC today and a guy with an abnormal left hand was absolutely RIPPING
Order regarding Twist Media’s Motions to Intervene and to Compel Access to Public Trial Exhibits.
Coming from Canada
Dear cruisers, what do you all do on "at sea" day(s)?
What scientific breakthrough are we closer to than most people realize?
13 Year Old Me in 1991
How often you change your strings ?
2005 C-1 Exotic - Korean or Indonesian?
Fire code exit doors on a 6 floor apartment?
How the F*ck do I play this?
What’s your go to song on an acoustic?
For those who own a telescope, what is your favorite astronomical object to observe?
[LFG] Dreaming of creating a synth pop/alternative pop duo or band