H:1-4 star mods/leaders W:Glowing Perception and Glowing Repair bobbleheads
H:David’s Trophy Displayable Misc W:Glowing Bobbleheads & High Tier Glowing masks
H: 45 leaders W: GP Calibrated Capacitor plan
H: 200 Leaders each W: G turkey/sbq
H:Leaders W:non glow fas mask 25 leaders each
H:3 Gatling Plasma calibrated capacitor plans W:50 Leaders each
[Ps4] H: apparel w: gturkey or grobot or gabe or leaders
H:bobbles magazine in picture w:rare apparel
[PS4]H:All Gatling Plasma mod Plans(6) W:Leaders/Coffee/Apparel/TS9/Big Guns
H:All Gatling Plasma mod Plans(6) W:Leaders/Coffee/Apparel/TS9/Big Guns
H:WPJS & BOSJS W:300 Leaders obo
H: 2k canned coffee W: 150 Leaders or bos/wp/gbd
[PS4]H:Gatling Plasma All Mod Plans(Multiple Sets) W:Leaders/Coffee/SugarBombs/G Mask/Offers
H:Gatling Plasma All Mod Plans(Multiple Sets) W:Leaders/Coffee/SugarBombs/G Mask/Offers
H: 5x pounders w:20 leaders/30k caps/ offers
[Ps4] H: Brahmin Mask W: Spring Offers
H: Mods/Enclave mods/Plans W: Coffee/Sunshine Oil
H:Gatling Plasma All Mod Plans(Multiple sets) W:Leaders/Coffee/Sugar Bombs/Gmasks/Offers
[PS4] H: GSBQ, Fiend, Brahmin masks W: the 6 GP mod plans
H: Full set Gatling Plasma (6)Plans W:Leaders/Coffee/Salt/Reflective
48 hrs of farming😅
H:glowing turkey 200 leaders W: ultracite power armor plans
H:Full set Gatling Plasma plans W:Leaders/Reflective/Coffee/Salt
H: Leaders W: Nuka-Cola Rocket plans
W: Bos js H: Rare or older glowing mask offer