beware vape on street,
How do I rescue this? Remove stuck threaded drill bit
My son slipped in the tub and caught the wall.
I got evicted. I found a house to stay in and am willing to leave a week before the intended time but Landlord won't give me the money for the week back.
Battery or starter issue?
Rate me F40
Please rate me 31 years old
Honesty Please
Feeling down after being cheated on, need some kind words about my appearance.
Resonator farming in Pine groves
Car sales
Casual Thursday
Found these nuggets in my waterpump. What is it?
Coolant goes down while engine is hot and rises when pressure is released. Is this normal?
Final result, did i make the right choice?
Hello please can you draw my girlfriend as a birthday surprise!
Who was in the wrong?
my outfit really made me more confident
Got a perm yesterday, realized i have no idea what to do with my now-curly hair!
18F. Be honest, roast if needed
How bad is this bulge, on a scale of 1 to 10?
How does anyone do removal and a fresh dip in one day?
Where to find mesh insert.
Came in for new tires, service tech broke TPMS sensor and wants me to pay for it
I’m probably getting fired