I feel like I'm going to get a lot of hate from this... 😭 BUT IDC, I STILL FIND THEM ADORABLE TOGETHER. 💀 ( Also, just finished Season 2, soo.. No spoilers, please! I'm a new fan and new to the community! )
Is zarya for noobs?
I really hope they fix Tech Jacket's design for Season 4
do you think bb chills out and hitches a ride with these guys here or?
Tengo 18 y soy adicto a tener relaciones sexuales.
Amazing Spider-Man #1000
Uh what ? ASM #69
Who else felt bad when this sweet boy said he was worthless?
did you know you can now view which characters were borrowed by your friends in IT?
this situation is slightly pissing me off :)
Just make weapons for the US goverment and the GDA. Cecil would aprove it.
Do I need to say anything?
Porque está tan normalizado tener relaciones Sxls a tan temprana edad?
Debbie with her hair down... I can totally understand Omniman.
Based on looks only, Who is most attractive to you?
My friends should really thank me 😂 I played 2 hours to get this
Love this shot from the Episode 6 teaser
TASM2 suit that I made
I'm sad
Hentai couples be like: pfft, amateurs
“Could this be a Bloodborne?”
El amor apesta, tengo 30 años y quiero conseguir novia
Mí novia me acaba de confesar algo y no sé cómo sentirme
Peter and Felicia by me
anyone else miss eves old face from S1? Wonder why they changed it.