Where is Gautama currently?
Can I borrow some cheese tulips for my flower burger?
Get off of reddit
Is Trump an example of a steadfast emotionally stable successful man?
Is your brain smoother than a raw chicken breast?
Was that you jerking off to a mannequin?
Can you teach me how to spell "no"?
[Lyrics] Eternal Loneliness
33 M Looking for a friend
God isn’t worth worshipping
[Lyrics] My Legacy
33 M Looking for a woman friend
33 [M4F] Looking for a friend
What do you think happens when you die
It sucks seeing my idol on Instagram with her boyfriend
Do you anything better to do rather than post in this sub?
Can I borrow some gravy for my mash potato fries?
Should the Department of Education get rid of them learnin' books?
33M Looking for a good friend that's a woman
33 [M4F] Looking for a new friend
Got any grapes?
The Crazy Avoidant
Can I borrow some lettuce for my garden burger?
[Lyrics] Titanic Loneliness