This is like a free for all. What is your favorite romance movie you’ve ever watched?
IM SO CONFUSED. is there a new hack or scam going around ?? got this trade for a STICKER.. and then someone else wantes to offer for this worthless sticker , put a sandwixh and said " thats all youre worth loser " ???
But did they die?! - Crazy Ending!
What’s the likelihood the writers will give us the season 3 we’re hoping for?
How can people hate this cutie?
This group is the best😁😁😁
Look who I found
Do you think Rory was living the life she chose or was she living a life that was chosen for her?
Wally/charley and Maddie/simon shipper
Hi! Here’s a show recommendation for those who can watch this.
What Is Dawn's Spirit Animal?
Goodbye my sweet friend. I will miss you
Season 2 vs. Season 1 - Is It Just Me or...
Trading for vehicles
Pls someone offer for my inventory 😔
Y’all was this trade good pls be honest😭😭😭🙏
Can the Janitor see the ghosts?
How would the band move forward if they became famous?
what’s his name/the name he came with
When do you think Maddie fell for Wally?
Is my foster Rachel a calico kitty? She has no marking on her body, orange marking on head and whatever is going on her tail.
Would Max and Lorelai have gotten married if he didn't go to teach a class in Toronto?