I had a dream that there was Lego Codename: Kids Next Door sets
I had a dream where there was a Lego Codename: Kids Next Door theme
What do we call him?
[Phineas and Ferb]
We need more characters that look as wooden as Pinocchio
We need more sets you can rebuild into man-made horrors beyond comprehension
What's that belly button for
I vade a veam, vhat vhould I vall vhem?
I got early access to a Lego Pokemon, what do you think it's Resale Value is?
Who the BRICK is this?!?
[Ms. Kobayashi's Dragon Maid]
Prepare the jars for 2026, fellas (yes, this is real)
What is their Aslume Name?
Does anyone have the Moon Girl Helmet File (and possibly the Devil Dinosaur Head file)?
How would this alternate universe function?
Replace a word in the Undertale OST with balls or ball
Starting a Lego City
Pizza Tower LEGO Man Mod Ideas?
Who win in a fight.
Something is very wrong with peppino
I keep seeing this person in my dreams. Any explanation?
The Newest Investm*nt
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