Why is Arabia considered a peninsula but not Europe?
Why Maids Keep Dying in Saudi Arabia
What is the difference between the two Hebrew words if they have the same translation?
What is the origin of the blue houses of Chefchaouen? Is it Phoenician/Carthaginian origin from Lebanon and Tunisia? Or could it be of Jewish heritage?
إتبعت نهر الزرقا على خريطة غوغل حتى أشوف من وين ينبع وحصلت هالمحطة. هل النهر طبيعي ولا محطة ضخ مياه جوفيه ولا ايش؟
I don't believe people who say "Christianity is just as bad"
What are the two closest Arab countries to your own country and why?
I support the LGBT community against bullying and oppression, however my question is....
Can this be considered a castle? It is a village of homes in the peripheries but the watchtower is in the middle. Arabian architecture.
What is the actual etymology of the word Tsiyon/Zion?
Why are so many people following Islam
تسب السعودية عادي لكن تدافع عن السعودية تبلع باند
What is a river really? River Ibrahim in Lebanon stops for two months of the year but is considered a river, while a small freshwater stream that goes all year round in Saudi Arabia is not considered a river.
I was so lucky that ship was below me when I got sent to the heavens 😭😂
مشاهد من منطقة قحزة شمالي صعدة باليمن بعد القصف الأمريكي. (مشاهد قاسية)
اي بلد يطابق هذه المواصفات ؟
A clip from "Filmi 1988" which is about the time of Halabja Genocide
Female literacy rates in Asian countries 2024
Who really invented the Greek gods in the first place? Their imaginations?
Why are muslims more religious in western countries than overseas?
Educational video of various Polyrhythms from Saudi Arabia.
Different colour for the Major scale.
Why are the Scottish Highlands sunnier than the rest of the UK?
Award for most punchable non-predator face goes to…