Fuck it dude, let’s watch Jane Mansfield bowl.
Favourite Verse
Bob wrote a long blurb for Peter Wolf's new memoir
Unlimited Demand! (Tesa's Marketing Department is Sending out Desperate Emails to Current Owners)
Solid Rock - Dylan & Knopfler
Name one of your favorite songs but replace a word with cat
Buying a car with no paperwork
Lost in Life – Thinking About Hitchhiking the U.S. Long-Term, Is It Possible?
Songs that sound like they should be Dylan songs
What are your favorite ending line of a song?
You can’t return a new car that you just got can you?
Even a multi year depression won't help the housing situation
Do old people feel their entire life lasted one milisecond? How do they deal with that?
Dishwasher height impeded by counter top gas range
Trump whines about who signed deal to allow Canada to supply energy to the US – it was him
DEBT FREE $62k paid off, just $12.47 to go
2003 yz250f won't start ideas?
Please help!! Should I buy a 2010 Subaru forester with 100k miles for 4k?
Is this worth saving?
Why do you think All Along the Watchtower is the song he has sung the most live?
What is your Dylan white whale in terms of collecting? For example, specific pressings of albums and things like that.
Donald Trump doubles down and declares he will make Canada 51st State
what do you do for work and how do you avoid homeless bias in your place if employment?
How much money would it take to unf*ck your situation.
Tarrifs are the only way to generate revenue when you refuse to tax rich corporations and inequity of wealth.