What’s my next move with nepenthes pitcher plant?
[US] I Can't Figure out if this Shipping Service, Amaexx, is a A Scam
Ideas for wedding pysanky
Economic Boycott
How badly did I screw up my tank?
I'm broke and can only afford one of these 4 books. Which should I get?
Judge my parenting: I made my son buy his own toothpaste
1997 to 2025
Happy valentines day!
My sale/display table at last years reptile expo.
I just can't shake the feeling that this was a scam
Would it be possible to find a very old copy of Buckeye behind bars?
Look at all my pot pies I got for free🥹
What Other Artists Do You Listen Too That Nobody Knows?
Looking for volunteer opportunities
Old Stetson
Downtown Toledo
Re-read of God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater
The 2024 project I'm most proud of is my fiber optic gown
Marigold sweater! A long time wip finally finished!
Gift for my daughter
Hired a contractor who severely messed up the job. Was told “you’ve paid, I’ve got my money, I don’t give a F. I’m doing you a favor if I decide to finish”
Is it a red flag?
What are some non-unique names that you just don’t hear very often???