One must go to keep the rest. Who are you releasing from the company to save the others?
Would You Read a Story Like This?
What is the most pleasing happy sound for you?
What’s the dumbest thing you believed as a kid ?
Cashy vs Duke
Why are yall so weird about dating/hooking up with white guys
CMV: Homophobic Christians Are Still Christians
Too many gay characters in shows
What is the grossest thing you’ve seen somebody do or you’ve done during your school days?
Modern day slavery is disguised as a 9-5 job
If you engage in frequent sexual encounters and contract an STD, that is entirely your fault.
CMV: If women have the right to an abortion, men should have the right to forfeit financial responsibility for a child they don’t want.
CMV: MEN, if you want a stay at home trad wife, then you directly support alimony.
If you think/want women to be trad housewives, then stop complaining about how alimony is unfair to men
Gay Films Which Happen to be Good (and aren't Brokeback Mountain or Call Me By Your Name)
Why does saying "I'm only attracted to masculine men" always get exaggerated?
Masc guys into fem guys
After sleeping with how many guys did you quit your hookup phase?
CMV: Adult men support female predators, perpetuate their behavior, and pass this mindset down to younger men.
Why don’t y’all see an issue with “Gays for Palestine/Islam” but have no problem dog piling gay conservatives?
What show did you like that had so much praise and the everyone turned on it?
Which horror movie villain(s) do you think you could beat/survive against?
If your pets could talk, what do you think they’d say about you?
Is it fair to say that catching an std from frequent random hookups is your own fault?