Cheryl Hines aka Paige Cox is married to RFK jr
Arizona’s Reaction
If glee were filmed today, which character would have an episode centered around them starting an OF as soon as they turned 18?
I'm so tired of teddy and owen
Ryan's already made this show
Tokyo episode
Would Jay have voted for Trump?
Who else would’ve been successful in convincing Rory to go back?
Kate - early doors
Bluey ABCs day 8
Season 2 ep 20-21: Frankie is treated so badly!!!!
The Yale Tour
Miss Celine's celebrity casting choices for the main characters
S8E4 - who wants to be a godparent? The 8 or higher rule is stupid and unrealistic
Mike is awesome
DId anyone hate 'me No Know'
Who do u think broderick had a crush on? Mitch or Cam?
What hair did you like most on Lily ?
all jokes aside - who do you guys think were the worst parents on the show?
Scrubs - Don't Smother Your Kid
And Mrs Sullenberger!
If B99 had a "What could've been" episode, what would you like to see in it?
Which Sitter gives you "Mean Girls" vibes?
Is your family more like the Hecks, like the Donahues or like the Glossners? 😂
What do my top 5 favorite characters say about me?