“My strain of Scottish blood just stems from my mom's side. It's funny cuz she was born and raised in Texas XD.”
“I don’t even understand 24-hour time… I just don’t understand it. I have to use online converters or I’d be SO confused when I talk to people who use these systems.”
“Just accept the fact that America owns the world”
The Weekly for 14 March 2025
“I’m American. I don’t have [an accent] :)”
“I’m not joking, you can’t even call a politician a moron without the police knocking on your door”
"Canada joining with the US could make sense. It would greatly simplify business and transport... However, the tax rate would be substantially higher in the state of Canada to afford said healthcare."
“if American units have superior capability… than #s mean less”
"You gotta defend your free speech as it's protected by the 1st amendment" in r/germany
“considering how poor all you [Europeans] are”
“Trump - Taking America Back in 2024!”
“Lmao so many Europeans so pissy that they're going to have to start paying for their own defense”
“Your country exists because of what America provides to you, don't forget that”
“Dang I thought Africa was a small country”
“The Europe in the map is smaller than half of our East Coast states.”
“All that effort then they misspell the one word in the whole ad.”
“there are different laws to be considerate of, and dialects, and store chains, etc.”
Upcycle an old iMac display with this INSANE mod!
“Just another reason for dumb people to get even dumber and drink themselves to oblivion.”
“China only got rich because the US said so.”
"all of Europe is less than half of the size of the U.S."
"Yeah I assumed it was some sort of third world traction control device"
“Ireland is not in the British Isles anymore. That’s history”
I have found the source of all things SAS — the Constitution!