My players caused the plane of Mechanus to have a stack overflow, all thanks to... beholders?
Astral Warfare
Those who listened to Johhny Dare every morning, what have you been listening to for the past week?
I really like mega Audino Meme
Calvin's Dad Explains WUBRG Commanders
Looking to break The One Ring…
My son found this tiny spoon and ate his jello with it, because "he wasn't that hungry, so he just wanted to take tiny bites."
There are 253 Kanto Pokemon.
Pokemon Design Hot Take: Just an Animal
Chosen One
What gaming "crime" you regularly do?
New Tarkir dragon designs from the lore article
I am the one who Woops
What will be the turning point for most conservatives in the US when they realize they’ve been fucked over too?
Help! Went to KC to a comic store in a strip mall on a busy corner & there was a sub shop a couple of doors down. I'd like to know sandwich place. Sinks not in restroom. Could be chain but not in StL.
Who is the best MCU president?
[Invincible] Why wasn't Immortal just invited to live among the Viltrumites?
Accepted a Job, Relocated, and Then Got My Offer Rescinded – Consulting Firm Nightmare
This is unbearable.
dinner is served
Overweight men, how did you make a change?
What’s an opinion that leaves you like this?
Debate between my partner and I
Car Pulls Are No Joke!