Minimum Days/Hours Required?
Maybe it’s because they’re disgusting…
is anyone else’s spotify not working?
Did something happen to Spotify?
Every customer when we say we are out something
Ending the “pay for the car behind you” chain..
How do you decompress after a shift?
What is a universally beloved film that you hate?
Tips for memorization?
This mom is very vocal about “unschooling” I can’t tell if she’s being serious or making some sarcastic statement.
Onboarding email
My local Starbucks today ...
Man in drive thru told me to pull down my mask because I “looked like I had a beautiful smile” and he wanted to see it
what traditions should just never exist?
A fart ban?
Tip etiquette
Just saw a post about men dating women with a SA past, and the replies were heartbreaking.
Trying to prove a point to someone
Help on 2 weeks notice?
What celebrity have you lost all respect for? Why?
This absolute unit of a crab stealing (and breaking) a guy's golf clubs
What are the creepiest things customers have said to you?
Airport Reunion Fail
Siamang gibbon apes have inflatable necks