Listen to popular music artists doesn't mean ur too basic and like listening to overplayed artists
what music do yous listen to
Is having a crush like torture for anyone else?
Take My Breath Awayyyy
As it is St.Patricks day and I’m from Ireland, yall have to do everything I say
1 month free of vapes today 🥳
Bruhhh I just started senior high and couldn't wait to experience them typical fun teenage experiences but im not bruhhhh
how are you 😊
If your search history got leaked how screwed are you?
you get me!!
Whats your reason to live?
my single ass keeps having these couple-y songs stuck in my headddd 😭🙏
What's a song for yall that everyone seems to like except you?
What is the most random thing that happened to u?
Anyone fasting rn?
Indian hate is forced and doesn’t make sense
Can auto mod stop blocking my posts for reasons that aren't even included in it?
Am I wrong?
Am I in the wrong here?
Yayy i now have 100 karma :>
Todays my birthday!!1!1!1!
19F Seeing some of the comments on hear about people younger than me having a higher body count than me is wild xx
Why did I add her
guys i might be evil >:3