Am I doing this right? I thought 3 of a kind would have been more than enough for this blind…
Hotfix v26.0.12
In Robots (2005), the villain is the CEO of a tech company who discontinues manufacturing important replacement parts in favour of selling overpriced upgrades. In 2005, this was considered science fiction.
My experience so far
My Darkest Secret Is That I Unironically Enjoy Daredevil (2003)
GT/BH/DW sync effectiveness table
Daily post to say that I still can’t log into my account on iPhone
I can’t login to my account
Update 0.6
LFG titans...
Resting Face
lazy p.2 - valentine's day #156 [oc]
Can’t open game on iPhone
Anyone two device folk can't login to their blue stack after update?
In Richie Rich (1994), Richie gets the board of directors to accept a pay cut in order to drive profitability. This is a sign that the film is a complete work of fiction.
Thoughts on the new item?
Rich Girl from Barcelona, strip #407 of 645 [OC]
Rare 4chan W?
Sometimes the best offence is to fence
Current vibe
An ugly ogre? Who would have thought
The TV show Ugly Betty tries to convince us that America Ferraro is ugly.