Which TV show or film will your family always get the reference, however subtle?
What’s your biggest bang for your buck?
Vinca Minor Bowles is thriving at the moment 😃
Are the standards of chain restaurants in the UK dropping drastically?
Drum & Bass On The Bike is heading to LONDON, SUNDAY 23RD MARCH starting from 14:00HRS at THE WELLINGTON ARCH, APSLEY WAY, W1J 7JZ!
Native cuttings?
Garden Bed Soil
Little gem lettuce
Collecting horse manure. Any tips.
Which unwanted present did you receive 25 times?
What was the highest phonebill your parents had because of you, and how did you make it so high?
Raised beds rotting …
Is there an eastern Asian equivalent to Za’atar/Duqqa?
Moving to bham
What things are better today in the UK than they were 30 years ago?
What are “hidden-gem” activities to do with kids in Brum?
Cheltenham Festival, 270,000 pints of Guinness over a week and £2m in revenue…
What is this tree?
Saturday Chatterday (Ides of March Edition - 15 March 25)
Who used to watch Funnybones on CBBC back in the early 90s? It was a cartoon about a dad, mum, son and dog skeleton living in a basement. Should CBBC release a prequel?
Possible to resell a Cheltenham ticket for tomorrow?
PSG fan coming in peace
I planted some seeds and some of those didn't work. How to improve? (more in the comments)
I'm sick of Birmingham and I'm born and bred here.
Dirty Fries