Torn between two dresses, which do you like better?
Anxious to say yes to this dress
Am I the asshole for telling my parents they can’t be apart of my babies life if they don’t invite my grandmother to the baby shower?
Four of my family members and I received a letter regarding my Grandmas estate. We were suppose to receive $12,000 each but the estate administration took all the funds and refuses to give us our portions. What do we do? In Kentucky.
What kind of shark is this?
What is your age without saying your age?
What was normal 20-30 years ago, but is considered a luxury now?
Can you clean up, brighten, and colorize this image? Will pat $20 for the best one! Grandma is wearing a white shirt, the sofa is seafoam green, grandpa's pants are brown...
Dose of cuteness for the night...
I like my women the same as I like my gravy.
Tell me why your cat was mad at you recently. I'll start: I used an unscented cat wet wipe to clean her tail up after she peed on it.
What’s your “I put that shit on everything” ingredient?
What is your least favorite USA State?
I like my coffee like “I like my coffee” jokes.
What bread is my cat?
TIL the US didn’t have the $15m to pay France for Louisiana, so they financed it through a banks in London. Napoleon had made the deal with the US to fund his war against Great Britain and Europe. Britain allowed this deal to go through only because they didn’t want France to have their NA territory
This stray harasses me nonstop until I pet it. What can I do?
How do you make an atheist?
TIL a Berlin-based artist tricked Google Maps into thinking that a completely empty street was bursting with traffic by filling a wagon with 99 smartphones, opening Maps navigation on all of them, and then slowly pulling the wagon along Berlin streets.
Tell us: what are your hopes for King Charles III’s reign?
Without revealing your actual age, what’s something you remember that if you told a younger person they wouldn’t understand?
What is something very popular that you have absolutely no interest in?
What song would instantly “kill the mood” in the bedroom?
AITA for not helping my parents when they are homeless?
What is something most people love but you hate?