Would love a drawing of me and gf :)
How has your relationship with weed evolved over time?
Exam in 2 hours, I studied all night for it. Am I cooked?
What are the most holy beat you listened to?
Tell me your #1 song on your spotify wrapped
Curious on pay range for line cooks?
What time does school begin for you?
What movie is an 11/10?
How do people consistently get high 90
What’s y’all’s favourite song from any Disney movie?
What stopped you from killing yourself?
i failed what now?
Is this tattoo shitty?
What is your most prized possession?
What's your recurring dream/nightmare?
You receive an offer of 1 billion dollars but you lose 1 body part, what body part will you be sacrificing?
Which Canadian icon should get a state funeral?
The portrait Australia’s richest woman wants removed from the National Gallery of Art
What’s an example of a hardcore/rock band singing a soft, sensitive song?
Cannabis Users Increases Sales for Little Ceasar's and Taco Bell
What does your weekly usage look like?
What addiction is the hardest to quit?
Sub Update: Approved Users
WIBTA if I continued to stretch my ears after my bf expressed how much he hates it?
Do you have a mantra that you repeat to yourself to get you through days when you’re feeling suicidal?