Which hero would you ban?
Zen mains two questions:
Chat did I heal too much?
What's the game mechanics that you HATE the most?
Balance changes for zenyatta
FIRST TIME EVER BEING TOP 500 :3 and i did it otping zenny
Ascension Guide
Zenyatta perk saved me 2 times (Zenyatta is not a "GPS" Btw)
Do you think called by should be banned?
These servers are made of cardboard
Error code 57 (this solution solved my issue)
How many Dark harvest stacks until you do more damage than electrocute?
People telling me to switch
Looking for cards that stop D-Shifter , Dark Law , D Fissure , Macro Cosmos . Any Suggestions?!
Need rogue combo deck recommendation
Dear zen mains, I bring good news. we can play the game now
sombra nerf
Bot game creator Tag duel not working
Been absent for 2 seasons but I've still got it. Fucking carried this one
Keep floating in and out of the game?
What decks have you tried out recently?
A week in, what do we think of new Sombra?
I see a possible timeline where Beatrice gets banned (probably due to Transaction Rollback or something like that) so Tear plays this instead
Niche thing i love about zen