How can all toothpastes be the number 1 recommended by dentists?
Songs “owned” by a performer
All the new apartments being built. Who is going to live in them? Where are the jobs?
How did you celebrate St. Patrick's day when you were younger and do you still celebrate it today and what is an interesting story you would like to share?
What band should just retire?
When the Whistle Blows at Five O’clock How Do You Let Go?
What am I to do? Can't stop thinking of Outlander.
What is different from Grease on stage and Grease The Movie
If someone swerves into your lane, do you move over and risk hitting another car and being “at fault” or do you let them hit you?
Does anybody actually sleep 8 hours a night in the US
Why is USA against workers’ unions?
What was the old Telphone system really like
Do you prefer Target or Walmart?
A pigeon flew too low over my head in midtown and brushed my hair with its tail. I have sanitized my head but what was your worst pigeon encounter?
People who kill bugs after you ask them not to.
Give me any musical and I'll connect it back to both Wicked and Book of mormon
Your favourite niche musicals?
Musicals that are Based on a Movie that are Better than the Original Movie
What did you want to be when you grew up? And what are you now?
I walked out of an interview after one question. Was I wrong?
People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
Favorite musical overture?
What's a movie you'll never watch again, no matter how good it was?
What’s a family secret you found out as an adult that completely shocked you?
What's your favorite word in the English language?