You Shot an Innocent Woman in Breonna Taylor
Apparently Trump will end racism in Canada now. WTF lol?
Elon Misk is the Most Privileged Victim
We ArE ViCTiMS of tHe MeDIa
Imagine Being as Oppressed as Libertarians Greg Gutfeld, Javier Milei, Milton Friedman, Elon Musk, Rupert Murdoch, Friedrich Von Hayek, and Charles Koch.
A Victim of Something that Didn't Even Happen.
Why Won't the Bad Guy Democrats Stand and Clap for the Kid with Cancer?
Conservatives are Being Bannned for Saying Free Speech is Good
Libertarians are so Oppressed
Donald Trump is the Real Victim in all of this.
"Oh Yeah, you Want Free Lunches? Well, I Should be Able to Make you my Slave."
New Victim : Straight People
Libertarianism is a Victim Mindset
Chris Rufo Uses the old "Satire" Excuse to Deflect Criticism.
Are you the Victim of "an All Male Masturbation Club"?
"We are the Good Guys who love Freedom and you are the Bad Guy NPCs who Hate Freedom"
The "Democrat Cult"
"PRO LIBERTY" Means your too Dumb to Understand that Liberty is an easy Thing to Understand
A Victim of Pronouns
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White People must Build an Inter Galactic Civilization to Escape Those Brown People on Earth
"Big government" and "Authoritarianism" are not the same thing in political science, not even remotely. The "smallest" government available is called absolute monarchy.
Scottish Christians are Being Oppressed by the Wookies.
Why Take Offense when Someone Criticises White Supremacy?