Case Number 00003
Which of these villains do you enjoy the most
What sitcom ended at exactly the right moment?
First backpacking trip advice
My first ever Dutch oven that I am too scared to use!!!
What is Terry’s Best Quote?
What do you think about Dakota Johnson as an actress?
What on earth should I do with this alcove?
What movie had a great walking scene? Suburbia (1983)
Has anyone here conquered their fear of heights?
Unpopular opinion, but this is when greys really started going down hill for me- what do you think ?
Greatest opening scenes of all time?
Who do you find the hottest? I've tried to add their best shots:
In just over a month, this film turns 10 years old. Many say it's the weakest avengers film, but what's one thing that you think it did great or better than the others? And what's one thing you would change in the movie?
Which sitcoms characters are the funniest in TV History?
Vintage YSL bag. What do you think?
Oh dear now I fret even the poster will spoil this movie.
What’s a song you hear that instantly makes you think of a movie it’s in?
Name a movie that you've watched many times before, but still watch it every time it comes up...
I picked this one!
Great guest stars?
You can see the day I dropped alcohol succesfully
What is your favourite moment of Terry in the third person
Similar shows
What sitcom fandom fits on this bus?
Roses are red, the impostor is sus, go on and