Useless stat: Piastri now has the highest win % of all the non-WDC's on the grid
Bands Whose Best Member Left
Tell me your favorite song and I’ll give it a rating out of 10
What’s the most wholesome song you’ve ever heard?
best instrumental breaks?
[F1 via Instagram] Back to class
Albums with every song rated a 4.0 or higher
What’s the greatest closing track of an album?
What are some examples of prog rock songs that are considered to be bad?
What is the best title track of all time?
Albums That Sounds Like Their Album Cover?
‘Sex Tanks’ or something, idk calculus
What’s a song that you love one part of but can’t stand another part of?
Rank of the top 100
what albums should i listen to?
Choose the best albums of the 2010's (Day 1)
Favourite epics over 25 minutes?
What albums are genuinely unlistenable for you?
Most eargasmic moment in a song, ever?
Without even thinking about it, what are your top three prog rock songs?
Is there a single better opening track than Them Bones?
Favorite record made by a female artist?
Whats the best debut album of all time?
What is your least favorite album in RYM best 100 albums list?
What is your 2018 AOTY