Count Staxula
I’m confused why Rand let this stand
What happens after AMOL?
A user on the r/ModeratePolitics subreddit claimed that "the Weimar Republic was censoring and banning the Nazi Party, and that's how the Nazis gained so much momentum in Germany". Is this claim true or false?
Mulligans not allowed for draft at LGS?
Which SSF stories are good reads *despite* unlikable main characters?
More stuff should deal with giving legendary. Even if the space is sorta limited.
Rand's First Use of The Power, or Something More?
The Green Ajah
The difference between a wizard and a sorceror is the same as between Charles McGill and Saul Goodman One does it through intelligence, practice, and study. The other does it through charisma, wit, and being born into a powerful bloodline.
Citra MMJ - How to reset custom layout?
Girl boss eco fascist
Gam(rul)e dev
The Fury Ban Did What It Was Supposed To
Don’t need permission from the church if you make your own
How many previous dragons…
british rule