Returning player here. Why has Bungie sunset Warlocks?
Usurped by a song that wasn’t even in the game
I think...
We should bang the drifter before eris does
Please help the latency is bad and idk what to do
Keep getting kicked from parties, reset the console and played with all internet settings
What is happening im connected to wifi and won't let me purchase anything
Weird whining noise on my Xbox series S should I be worried?
Crafting = bad
Do NOT post your mail address on reddit!
Crafting = good
Help: I recently purchased a disc copy of call of duty ghosts for my Xbox series x because the game is listed to be backwards compatible but everytime I’ve inserted the disc and restarted the console I am met with this… is there any work around?
Just finished my first Patrol
He’s just a silly lil guy
What should I be using my deepsight harmonisers on ?
datto is going to jail
Me when I say I don’t like my name is beef and that I liked echoes and rev
Why doesn't Bungie hire fans? 😔
Nah who did my boy shaw dirty😭
12 days
Fuck it none of the games are cannon since you fuckers couldnt behave
i may or may not have stolen this from the destinythegame subreddit
made this figured it belongs here
How do I kill Barrier Champions?