New additions
I was not prepared for the size of TVC's Slave I..
Shout out to the artist who drew my baby for his bday
Does anyone like the clone wars, who didn't grew up with it?
Collection so far
First post: Seeing up my office shelves
RoTJ Book
The whole crew!!!
They Always Try To Shit On Clone Wars Lol
Custom concept young Boba fett sharp shooter.
Bacara came!
Jedi Generals & Their Clones
Don't talk to me or my video games ever again, ladies.
Looking for a boy's name from a song
My loth wolf, Wolves and a Door inspired, tattoo. 🐺
This boba pose has been stuck in my head for ages and i finally got him in figure form
What do you all do with leather bits?
Morgan Elsbeth appreciation post: phenomenal figure done dirty by having no weapons or accessories included
Rt 65 "Get Help" Sign
Which Character’s Lightsaber Hilt is your Favourite ???? Mine is Obi Wan’s tho Count Dooku’s is a close second.
Daily figure rating and discussion #56: Kanan Jarrus