The most horrible Jacqueline Wilson character?
Love Lessons - I have a question.
Ella from The Longest Whale Song
Carly tracy beaker
Favourite, indifferent and least favourite protagonists?
London WhatsApp group
IMO, Baby Love is underrated.
London meet ups
What was your favourite book?
What's a completely normal question that you've been ostracized for asking?
Which character do you identify with most and why?
Awful parents
What quality in a person immediately disgusts you?
What is the best Wi-Fi name you have seen in your entire life?
What was the lowest point in your life?
Would love some island inspiration! Could someone dm me their code?
What is no one talking about?
If Reddit existed in 1922, what sort of questions would be asked on here?
Looking to fly for inspiration😊
Would love to explore some islands😀
Would love to visit an island with a fruit other than a peach!
Island temporary open. mini giveaway
Could I visit someone please? Need new fruit (native fruit is a peach) and just want to explore🥰
AITA for walking out of my boyfriend’s celebratory dinner?
Non picky eaters, what’s a food you just cannot do?