COD community for girls that actually game.
Looking for BO6 friends
Update from old episode of a tiktok creator that faked getting tattoos and then got Jessis' daughter "tattooed" on him
How was this not a meme
Ope! Looks like Rug Lady didn’t like the podcast very much 👀
Not this again
Throwback: Maci and Ryan break up
When addressing North Star Radio / Comrade Casey, Ethan Klein goes on a bizarre rant about McCarthyism, China, Russia, and Venezuela. Even calls Venezuela a "shithole" and spreads propagandist talking points
welcome inside my mind
Part 2 of the woman lying about DV and being cheated on for clout
Tik Tok drama
Brain Dump of all the shit I've not had a space to talk about
The Very First Night is 100% about a “her”