Please tell me that i’m not crazy and life really is just getting harder.
The fucking girl's bathroom at HS
saddest screenshot i have
People who are weird about eating meat
Peter? I don't have a dog
Someone left these "candies" in my company breakroom. Tasted horrible. Any ideas?
This a grown adult btw
The longer you stay single... [Kimi Zero]
Why did I feel something above my heart?
Why haven't so many people passed basic elementary biology?
Increase in wasps?
My cat is gray and white, but I can't see much in nature that he'd blend in with for camoflauging purposes. So why did he evolve to be gray and white?
How many of you here are NEETs because you're retarded?
How do givers get satisfaction?
So how is a white kid going to become less adopted?..
So, women are either dumb or ugly, and shouldn’t be allowed to vote?
Let’s all gather around and say something nice about conspiracy theorists
An alligator bellowing
Random libido spike?
Dating app Bumble promotes the idea that “infidelity can actually improve relationships”
Conservatives say the quiet part out loud and call an NFL player’s (John Simpson) wife DEI due to her being back
Card our 8 year old made.
So i created a mental model that protects youth from adult institutions and then this adult humor possession lighthearted possssed me all the adult spirits in the world and
Didn't get hired for literally the easiest job in the world
Regurgitation of food should be more socially accepted