Why is Yatzli the only option for dispel?
Who’s the better looking?
This is what I was talking about yesterday. (XSS/XSX only)
I know it’s a different sport, but bro looks like random WR prospect in this game.
[KCD2] Need help with NPC stuck in ragdoll
This is my first playthrough. Are they really supposed to be THIS strong? lmao
Heisman CPU is actually insane
Guys im barely making it😥
Finally Starting The Witcher 3! Any Tips?
I would probably also have connection issues
No flag apparently…
I cannot believe Scratch just died
This game took me away from my KCD2 playthrough. I did not expect that.
I think I should resign
What would you want Obsidian to work on in the future? Avowed II, PoE3 or Tyranny: In the Style of Avowed?
Special #5. Get em all to quit. & 26 game win streak.
[KCD2] Too busy hitting the forge to play the rest of the game
Kick returns. Almost pointless. Any tips?
😂 I thought I was Free Here Then I Got Ghost Tackled(Phased Thru Him)
I pre-ordered the $90 version of Avowed.
Barb is my favorite class but I had to quit my play through due to PC voice
What is your GO TO pass play when you are 5 yards and in (from the goal line)?
Yo this game is rigged: if the cpu needs a TD it will get it
What is up with switching on defense