Christians who voted for Trump - can you please tell me which of the attributes Christ calls us to embody does Trump exhibit? What am I missing?
Were you raised by your Grandparents while your parent(s) were still around?
Where does the fear that women are going to die because a doctor won’t provide them with the medical treatments they need come from??
Get. Vaccinated.
Is anyone else happy the Dept. of Education will be abolished?
Father hanged himself today after battling bipolar disorder with psychosis
My husband hung himself yesterday
8 year old son touched at school
Benadryl & Zyrtec together for 2 year old? Personal experiences?
1 month tomorrow. I don't wanna do this anymore
my mom stopped talking to me because of trump
DAE hope that the American birth rate drops off like a cliff?
No, trump supporters won't learn
Minority voters for Trump
A fucking swim manikin/buoy made me lose my mind.
Pediatrician isn't sure about the COVID vaccine for my 1 year old. Should or shouldn't I get her the vaccines?
I hate abortion I think it's demonic
It’s okay not to go to Thanksgiving.
Need Advice - My sister should not have custody of her kid
Something a Pro-Choicer said to me during a debate...
My toddler broke me today and now I’m crying. Have you cried from just being tired?
I hate the waves
I'm a Brazilian who has watched US politics closely for years, and I congratulate the recent successes of the pro-life movement in America.
To all the women in Texas who voted for Trump.
relationships & suicide