I finally asked some students about all the absences since Covid: Their advice? Go back to analog and ignore the whining
Grade Release Rage
Assuming massive cuts, what is your plan B?
How do you deal?
The College Experience
Is anyone actually happy in academia???
Anyone feeling depressed about their life choices?
Uncomfortable with forms for campus visit
Questioning My Reality After Faculty Email Exchange
Online classes...
Go to the r/fednews subreddit
Online students are my most incapable
Putting some pieces together on Trump's plan to dismantle academic research
Tired of Students Shifting All Their Responsibilities
Those in a certain sunny locale who have endured the hostile takeover of your institution by far-right idealogues, how are you faring?
Teaching gets scarier every semester. Does anyone else feel the same?
Rant: First day of the semester and I am already exhausted.
A gem from my student satisfaction surveys
Is it just me or are they already dead??
TikTok influencers teaching students how to write email to lecturers
Precious Feelings
You cannot teach talent
Assigned Readings
Not discussing reality with fellow profs in our field on our campus
To Respond or Not?