Is the three days of darkness actually coming??
Is cross an idol??
Why is Christianity hated and opressed but Islam is respected and protected?
I got banned from exchristian
Why do Christian’s believe Jesus is god?
Is the rapture coming sooner than we think ?
Explaining the Trinity
Why is every post on here about God
Is saying bad words a sin?
salam. Ever seen Arab Christian 😉
I am Muslim, convince me why Islam is wrong and Christianity is right
Do all non-Christians go to Hell?
Toll Payment Required scam
Scammers targeting lost pet owners
If you love them, warn them
why christianity and not islam?
Scientists unearthed evidence that could prove Noah's Ark was real
Confusing jury duty scam - what was the play?
Selling a car on Facebook and everyone wants my address
Do you care about climate change?
The DEFINITIVE definition of LUST
[US] Encountered an extremely sophisticated scam today
Why is the bible the word of God?
How to confront atheists politely (As a Christian)
Proof Jesus Christ was prophesied in Both the Torah and Bible