Who would win?
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Fucking cunt
Re-listening To Albums
Who would win in a fight my money on Wendy
If Vecna chose you as his next victim, what song would save you?
John Wesley Harding: Great Dylan album or GREATEST Dylan album
What’s the most Wile E. Coyote Beatles song?
What’s a rock album that’s overrated and one that’s underrated to you?
Pink Floyd underrated tbh
Do you think Bob Dylan ever ghostwrites for any famous rappers ?
Best Dylan song starting with letter X?
Who are you saving?
il y'a tros peu de meme sur Thomas cyrix
Why Do Some People Hate On What Goes On ?
What song(s) cannot be too loud?
C'est qui ce type ?
Why'd he get arrested (wrong answers only)
Why do some people hate on Mr. Moonlight?
For you, what song would save you from the vecna attack? For me I think it would be Bohemiah Rhapsody by the band Queen
Who is winning?
Which artist would you like to say this to?