Npc dialogue in Breakpoint
BF1 sub in a nutshell
BF1 Multiplayer is Just Try-Hards Now
I'm not sure. Have they ever thanked us?
Is there a solution?
Appreciation post of my French general who conquered all of Canada and America
what would you do in this situation ?
How Age of Empires fans look at us
rough starts and misfires, many repairs but no luck
Very aggressive rush strategies
How to beat Maratha?
Name suggestions for kingdom? It’s dark red and cross
This will always bother me
How the hell i use cavalry?
Darthmod or Mobile?
Monarch / Minister Skills
How big do yall think Calradia really is?
Cologne cathedral. 1945
I love seeing WW1 planes flying in our modern age, so sick
The Adventures of a Sloop Captain - Chapter Four
Games like ghost recon with a lot of of customisation on clothing and weapons
I tried a few rounds of it. I get the appeal, but it is NOT for me, nearly threw my controller at the wall
I've honestly quickly got burnout from BF1 cause every time I play operationsbno matter what my team ALWAYS loses operations
What mods are easy and good for a mini r53 ? I’ve recently got a red one
This guy slaps your girl on the ass and tells you it's almost harvesting season. What do you do?